Specializing in Clinical and Forensic Assessment
Dr. Meagan Grasmick
Dr. Grasmick is a licensed Clinical Psychologist providing therapy to late-adolescents and adults and psychological assessments to individuals across the life span.
In therapy, she is committed to helping people realize their full potential and live more meaningful and fuller lives. She is passionate about helping individuals deepen their understanding of themselves, their relationships, and their world so that they can make the most out of each circumstance, hardship, and opportunity. She believes each person is unique and tailors therapy to the needs of each patient. She uses a collaborative, compassionate approach, emphasizing the therapeutic relationship. Dr. Grasmick utilizes evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches, particularly Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, as well as a modern relational psychoanalytic theory, Intersubjectivity theory.
Dr. Grasmick is also available to provide comprehensive psychological testing for children, adolescents, and adults. These assessments include a battery of tests tailored to address the individuals’ specific questions, concerns, and needs. Recommendations may also be provided to address questions related to treatment and self-improvement.
Dr. Grasmick provides academic evaluations that focus on the intersection of one’s cognitive and emotional states. This can include testing for learning disorders, achievement capabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, IQ testing for gifted programs or other purposes, behavior problems, and emotional state. Testing may also be used to assess whether disability accommodations are supported in a variety of settings.
Dr. Grasmick also provides general psychodiagnostic evaluations that focus on providing clarification and/or an in-depth understanding of one’s psychological functioning. This can include clarification about interpersonal, emotional, and cognitive functioning. They may be useful during the process of therapy, with self-understanding, and clarifying what may be contributing to challenges an individual is facing. Additionally, Dr. Grasmick completes court-ordered and forensic assessments, including questions of mitigation, violence-risk, and diagnosis.
Dr. Grasmick achieved a Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Denver. She completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training at Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, a forensic inpatient psychiatric hospital located in Washington D.C. There, she received training in therapy, psychological/forensic assessments, and neuropsychological evaluations (minor rotation). During her post-doctoral residency, she received specialized training in conducting an array of forensic evaluations.